Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happy birthday NATHAN!

Happy birthday to my other half :o)

We celebrated Nathan in a pretty relaxed fashion with dinner, presents and followed by cake! Everyone loves cake! Ice cream cake for that matter :o) yummmm.... Nathan's birthday is today and he's turning 28 therefore making it his CHAMPAGNE birthday! Happy happy birthday!!!!

Here's a pic of his ice cream cake.

Birthday boy cutting his cake.

On Saturday August 25th, we had a pre/post birthday celebration for the August birthday people. Post for Dee as her b-day was the 22 and pre for Nathan as her b-day is today. We celebrated by going out for dinner at Milestones. Dee and I had the Kobe beef meatloaf and it was SUPER yummy! We then hit the liquor store and bought tones of booze (ginger ale for me). Here are some pictures from that night...

Nathan enjoying his fishbowl of bellini

Chris and Dee at Milestones. They both enjoyed a fishbowl of bellini as well! I don't blame them. It's some good stuff.

Let the drinking begin. Back at the hotel, we started to fill the sink with ice and liquor. Lots of liquor.

And with it being Nathan's champagne birthday, we had to get him a bottle of champagne!

Dee got a hold of the champagne :o)

On an unrelated note, we've been doing some renovations to the "House of Potter". We had a rickity carport that was on it's last lets and VERY unstable. So with baby bean on his way, we thought it would safe and smart to take down the carport. We have been avoiding parking our cars under there cause it was so unstable and paranoid that it will crash on our cars. Here are some pictures of the destruction.

Here's Nathan with his dust mask on and preparing his saw to take down the carport.

At the top right of the picture, you can see Nathan ontop of the carport. I tell ya, it take some major guts to climb up there, sit on the rotten wood and start sawing at the unstable structure. Though, as you can see, he and his dad were smart and put up 2x2 wood braces to ensure the structure would be stable enough.

Nathan and his dad poking at the part of the roof that has been cut but won't fall down.

And with a bang, the roof fell down! Scary to see and hear! The entire structure is now down and I have to say, that part of our property looks so emtpy and bare! I'll have to take a picture of it and post it for you all to see.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHAN! I know it was yesterday but I also knew that you guys were busy so here is a late greeting. I hope you had a great day!

Thanks for posting some pictures - looks like you guys have been busy!

Anonymous said...

First.. Happy Belated B-Day to Nathan~!!.

Second. ... Dood you have a kitchen-Aid mixer and you hate to bake. What's up with dat???

christine said...

happy birthday nathan! looks like you guys had a wicked party!!! good work on the carport too. I wouldn't have thought to brace it, I would have probably just started smashing away, ahahhaa