I've been having the most miserable 3 days lately! I haven't been able to sleep or lay down or sit properly. I have sciatica on my left side and it hurts so bad. Everytime I move in bed during the night, I wake up to the pain. It's so unpleasant! I just want it to stop. I've had mild cases of it before earlier in the pregnancy but now it's just terrbile! For pregnant woman, sciatica is caused by the growing uterus putting pressing on the sciatic nerve. For those of you who don't know what sciatica is... here's the Wikipedia defination:
Sciatica is sometimes severe pain caused by general compression and/or irritation of one of five nerve roots that are branches of the sciatic nerve. The pain is felt in the lower back, buttock, and/or various parts of the leg and foot. In addition to pain, there may be numbness, muscular weakness, and difficulty in moving or controlling the leg. Typically, the symptoms are only felt on one side of the body.
that does not sound pleasant at all!
I hope it soon goes aways!
Awww....poor Glenda!
Have you thought about going to have some kind of a prenatal massage, or even just a massage of the sore leg area? I have also heard that getting up and moving around helps too, but I can see how it would suck when you're in pain? Maybe try a walk at the beach or something?
I am going to call you tomorrow. xoxo
hiya! i'm so sorry to hear about your sciatic! I get pain there really bad about once a month and i've had it for years and I can't imagine how terrible it would be to have it for 3 days! I've never been able to do anything to ease the pain so I really hope that you can find something that works for you. Get Nathan to massage you!!! good luck!
Oh Glenda, poor you - I am so sorry you're in pain!
I am 43. I have arthritis in my back. When the weather is bad...and sometimes for no reason at all...discs will inflame and cause various degrees of sciatica. TOday is Oct. 30 2008 and I have had severe swelling and crippling pain for 2 weeks. I had just gotten my legs stronger from last bout with sciatica. I'm on daily medication for it, but when it's this bad... i just wonder how much it would hurt without the meds because I am in agony. You can actually see the lump of the swollen bulging disc on my left backside. Walking does help... but you can't walk while you sleep and laying down is terrible.
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