Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Officially on Maternity Leave!

Thursday November 15th was officially my last day at work! My co-workers were all so kind and gave me a card with well wishes, a gift and a generous gift card to Toys R Us. For those of you from work who read my blog, THANK YOU!!! You are all too kind and I felt the love :o)

The following day, Friday, I was busy running around doing errands and meeting with Cindy for lunch, so it didn't really feel like my first day of mat. leave.

Sunday was a fabulous day where I got to mingle and see my family and friends. Dee threw me my baby shower on Sunday and she did a fabulous job! THANKS MAN! I had such a good time and I know you put a lot of work into planning the shower and it's much appreciated! And of course your mommy rocked too!!! :o)

Here's a pic of the hostess' with the mostess' :o)

Here I am walking thru the door excited about the shower and my MIL behind me.

There was tonnes of food and yummy cake! It was chocolate and raspberry and it was so goooooooood!

When it came to gift opening time, Emma was my little gift helper. She would pick and give me the present that I was to open next. It was so cute! Thanks Em!

I want to thank you all who were able to make it to the shower. It was great to see everyone! Both baby-bean and I felt the love and all your very generous gifts will be put to good use once baby-bean pops! Love you all!

Today is Tuesday and it's the first day where I was able to sleep in and take naps all day and where I could finally say I FEEL like I'm on maternity leave :o) Yeah for sleeping, napping and doing nothing. I have to enjoy it now cause I won't be able to experience doing nothing ever again ;o)


Deedee said...

I am glad you had fun at your shower!!

Deedee said...

I had a dream that you updated our blog. I was excited. Then I saw you actually didn't and I am now sad.