Friday, April 11, 2008

So Pretty!

Our ancient, heavy, brick of a lap top finally died and so we took the plunge and got a new laptop. It has all the fancy things on it that Nathan wants and it has my prerequsite - RED!!! Soooo preeettttyyyy! I always wanted a red laptop and now I have one! Looks like Aidan likes it too! :o)

In other news, life is good! Nathan will be working from home all week next week so we'll have extra daddy time which will be nice. We had our almost 4 month doctor's visit and we weighed and measured. Aidan weighs a whopping 17lbs and 9 ounces and measures 68cm. Holy moly! He's one big boy! Aidan is doing well. He's growing every day and every day he learns something new which is just amazing to see.

As for Glenda news - there's not that much going on other than just hangin' with my little munchkin. Although, you will all be happy to know that in true Glenda form, I have splurged on a Nine West diaper bag. That's right people, my obsession with purses have been transition to diaper bags which is worse cause diaper bags are more expensive than purses. Anyhoo... I love it! It has so many pockets and snaps and yeah! :o)

Stay tuned for another upcoming edition of "Glenda's Crazy Purse Give-away"!!! That's right folks! I'm going to do some spring cleaning and go through my collection.


Deedee said...

Please email me the moment you post your purse give away!! Or the moment after at least!
Have a fun week next week with the whole family at home :)

Rie said...

Oh man - I wish I was there so I could be a part of the crazy purse giveaway!

Awesome red laptop! Enjoy the family time next week!!

christine said...

oh my! aidan is looking soooo cute! I love his pensiveness while at the computer, just like daddy I'm sure! ah, the great purse give away, I wish I was there for that. Enjoy your time with Nathan at home. I'm sure he's going to love having the opportunity to spend that extra time with the family!

Anonymous said...

ohhh ohhh ohhhh I was just wondering when you were going to find another pile of purses some wehre. I didn't even know NW did D-bags.... smart marketing really.

you must text the moment they go up. if you are giving ones away.. why woudl you want the coach???