Friday, December 11, 2009


Yes, I am still alive.

Things have been pretty busy and I've been neglecting posting on my blog. Not acceptable.

I don't even know where to begin. All the usual kiddie activities are back in action in September so we've been busy puttering around and seeing everyone again. Swimming was a big one. Aidan sure missed his swimming. Aidan will be starting his "two's in training" in the new year. I can't believe he'll be 2!!! Yowza! Time sure flies.

Rie came back to Canada for a visit in October. What a surprise! I had no idea she was planning a visit. We had some great times but not enough pictures to document them. I'm usually pretty good about taking pictures but for some reason I just gapped out. Great seeing you Rie!

And of course we have Halloween in October and it was a fun one. We had plans to attend the Halloween party at the recreation center this year but it was postponed to a later time of the day due to the Olympic torch passing through our community. So later that day we went over to Dee's place and had a fantastic time eating and then trick-or-treating around her neighbourhood. Aidan got so much loot it would even fit into his little pumpkin carrier. Nathan and I had to keep emptying it out and put it in our pockets so Aidan could get some more goodies.

Aidan had 2 costumes this year. His 'inside' costume and 'outside' costume. He was a kung-fu master by day and Winnie the Pooh by night :o) And of course Nathan and I had to dress up too. After the kiddies had their fun, it was time for the grown ups to have fun. This year we gathered at Dee's house and the theme was DISNEY. So Nathan and I went as Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker from the Muppets.

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