Thursday, September 22, 2011

Arrr matey!

So I woke up to this...

Yes! An eye sty. Can't tell you how thrilled I was to discover this on my face this morning. I still soldiered on and made my way to work. Luckily I work in cubicle so the pointing and laughing was kept to a minimal

So then I got to thinking, I need an eye patch. But not just any eye patch. Something flashy because if I'm going to wear an eye patch I'm going to work it. So I started browsing the the web for something.

#1. the basic black with cross bones. Typical to the pirate attire. But too predictable.

#2. Glitter + pirate = pirate-chic!

#3. Or what about eye patch and functional? A patch and a clock!

#4. I think this is my favorite! Alaster "mad eye" Moody!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Deedee said...

Umm, obviously you must go with the pirate bling!! I mean the clock is cool, but if you looked at it in a mirror it would be backwards. No good.

Hope your eye gets better soon. Warm compresses!!

Glenda-Bean said...

Thanks Dee! I've been warm compressing the shiz out of my eye.