Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I can't believe that my last post was in late November!!! I'm sure behind in my posting.
I can't believe it December already! Time sure flies. This year sure flies. Alot has happened in this past year.

1) We got married
2) Emma turns 2! ( I can't believe she's 2)
3) Rie back to Canada for a visit
4) Christine and Joel's wedding
5) Garrett and Krista's wedding
6) Eleana and Craig's one year anniversary
7) and the list goes on...

Christmas shopping has been better this year than all the other years. I got Nathan's present early which is a big relief. I find he is the hardest person to buy for. Which is ironic because he really should be the EASIEST person to buy gifts for seeing as I know his so well. One thing you have to know about Nathan is that whatever he wants, he goes and buys it himself. Which then in turn makes it hard for a gift giver to buy anything for him. ARGH!

The Christmas cards have been sent out and I can't believe how 'on the ball' Canada Post is. I sent the cards on the Friday and people received them on the following Monday. Good job, Canada Post!

Well... that's all I have to say for now. We had our company Holiday Party on the December 8th. I'll post some of those later.

Take care, all!!!

1 comment:

Deedee said...

Yeah man, I feel you when it comes to gift giving/buying...this year has been good, but buying for Chris is a pain - he's the same as Nathan, whenever he wants something he just goes and gets it. Makes me have to think about what to get him too much! Also, shopping for Emma this year has been like a game...trying to buy things when she's not around (which is never), or when she's not looking. The last two years were much easier...back when she had the memory of a goldfish and I could buy things and she could see them, but would forget! This is a really long comment. Peace out!!