Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas 2006

What has been crazy busy these past few days.

Christmas Eve Eve: Met with my fabulous mates, Christine and Leah for lunch. It was great seeing them again. It's been WAY too long.

Christmas Eve: Dinner at my aunts house with the cousins.

Christmas Day: We spent all day in Sooke at the Potter's house opening gifts, drinking wine, eating, drinking, snacking, more drinking and more food. I think I gained 5lbs just that day alone.

Boxing Day: My parents and brother made their way down the island. We went for dim sum in the early afternoon and later that night, we had a huge family gathering at the Jade Fountain Restaurant. It was literally a feast!!! The huge gathering consisted of my aunt and cousins from the mainland, my parents, nathan's parents and my yee-mah. It was great to see everyone together. It's very rare that we are able to get everyone together but it's so great when it does happen. I think Nathan's parernts were a little overwhelmed with the amount of food served.

The day after boxing day: I was suppose to go back to work on this day, but there was just so much happening and my cousins and mom decided to stay an extra day so I had made the executive decision that I would take the extra day off. It was a good day. We did some shopping, met up with my uncle who couldn't make it to the dinner, drove Nathan to the ferry terminal (he was going snowboarding in Vancouver), had dinner with the family again and played some mah-jongg.

What is planned for the remaining days leading up to New Year's?... Fixing the fence is still a priority. New Year's eve, will consist of food, drinks and hanging out with friends! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!

I hope you all have a fabulous New Year's!
As my mom would say, "Out with the old and in with the new!" - in Chinese of course :o)


Deedee said...

Whew! I got tired just reading this post - good on you for surviving it all!

christine said...

whoohoo, happy new year! it sounds like your christmas was just the way it is supposed to be - lots of food, family and fun. congrats for surviving, and i'm with you with the extra 5 lbs. damn feasting. hehehe