Friday, January 19, 2007

Glenda's Obssession

Alright people, here is the deal.
I was grocery shopping one day and I saw this lady carrying the most fantastic purse EVER! I saw her purse an aisle away because it was just this fantastic. It was love at first site. I needed to get the designer name of this purse. The purse had a longer strap so she wore it crossing over her chest. She was bending over to get a frozen item from the deep freeze and I thought, "perfect opportunity to walk past her and read the designer label on the bottom of her purse". So I pushed my cart passed hers and as I passed by I stared at her purse, well... I guess her bag was hanging low due to the longer strap and she thought I was staring at her ass. Oops! She gave me a dirty look and walked away. I know what most of you are thinking, "why didn't you just ask her where she got her purse?"... well.. the answer my friend is that would have been too easy. Anyway, I didn't get the name :o(

Since that faithful day, I have been on a mad search for this bag. I've gone to, ebay, google, esprit, fossil, and the list goes on. And no luck.

This is your mission if you choose to accept it, FIND ME THIS BAG!
I couldn't find the exact bag but this is the closest thing I could find. I found this on the website. The "grocery store bag" was black and was more "chic". Not as rugged looking. It has a longer strap so I can wear it across my chest. I would be the happiest girl alive if you can find this for me. I will also buy you dinner... or lunch.. your pick ;o) Thanks in advance!!!


Deedee said...

Hey Babe....have you tried Winners or The Bay??? I am sure I saw at least one bag simmilar to this at The Bay when I went shopping for my purse. I will be keeping my eyes peeled for ya!

christine said...

hahahaha, yer too funny glenda!
I'll keep my eyes open as well for you over here. next time though, just ask and don't get caught staring at other people's asses!! hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Had any luck yet tracking down that purse? Sorry, I can't help you much over here!

Pix said...

Toooooo Funny.....You seriously have a purse issue my friend!

Anonymous said...

Oh my good god Glenda~! You just about made a pretzel come out my nose~!.

If am to find it... can I do the Peter Griffin-Misson Impossible theme first????
Heeeheeee hhheeee

Anonymous said...


christine said...

any luck yet?

Anonymous said...

I told her I was going to go buy it, bring it to work, just to see her face. Then return it to roots~! mmmwwahahahhahaha

Glenda-Bean said...

Nope. No luck yet. The closest I could find was at Roots but they want close to $200 for it. Ouch! And thanks, Cindy. I know where your cube is. You better watch where you sit. You wouldn't want someone tampering with your chair *cold stare*...LOL!