Thursday, February 01, 2007

Bean Update

I thought I would post a life upate as I haven't done this in a while. Let's see... what's new...

It's February 1st and that means only 1 more month until the big 28th birthday. It's not bad though. I think the 30 is going to be the killer for me. Certain milestone birthday's freak me out. The 25th was a big one for me. I wasn't too thrilled with that one. The next freak out birthday isn't for another 2 years so that's good news!

Life has been good! Nathan and I have taken up badminton as a casual sporty thing we do. Every Tuesday is badminton night. We've also enrolled into ice skating lessons. I can't skate worth crap! And that will be held on Monday nights, WHICH will be interferring with our "Heroes" watching and I'm not impressed with that but thank goodness for the internet ;o) If you do not already watch this show, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! I am so addicted. Such a good show!

One of the upcoming highlights of my life is VEGAS BABY! No definite plans yet but Dee and I going to make it happen. The plan so far is that Dee, Chris, Nathan and I are going to go to Vegas and see everything Las Vegas hast to offer. I've been searching the internet and borrowing books from the library all about Vegas. It's going to happen either May or June. I'm so excited! I'll be bursting once everything is booked and definite.. Hee hee!!!

Everything on the homefront is good! We still haven't fixed that stupid fence that got destroyed from the storm we had. We've been doing some good procrastinating :o)
Work is fine. Quite a few people have left the company since November. Just last week, we had 4 people leave. So the office is a little empty and there is a rumour that more people are leaving. Hmm... do they know something I don't know??!!

Well... that's all I have to update. But thanks to Dee, here's a little something that made me chuckle when I created and and I hope it will make you chuckle too :o)

Make your own cover here:


christine said...

thanks for the update! i hate not talking to you very often but i love having this as a venue for some communication and as way to get updates about your life - and to see pictures too! love the mag cover!

Pix said...


Love the pic

Deedee said...

Hey man! Forget about worrying about getting older - you're just as fabulous as you were at 18!!! BTW, Heroes is a KILLER show.

Anonymous said...

Posted 1-Feb-07,
Today is 8-Feb-07

Do you see the issue here?