Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Am I an insomniac?

How many nights of restless sleep does it take to be diagnose as an insomniac?

Perhaps the recent daylight savings time change is to blame. I have not had a good nights rest since Saturday (today = Wednesday). What is wrong with me? I have NEVER had a problem with sleep. Once my head hits the pillow, I'm am out cold. But now, I lay there... AWAKE... I catch the occasional 30 minutes of shut eye and suddenly, *BING* I'm wide awake again. Why? WHY? is this happening???

The hard part isn't coming to work but functioning while at work. Cross your fingers I can have a good nights sleep tonight. *sigh*


Deedee said...'s hoping you have a GREAT sleep tonight.
I think Nathan needs to treat you to a shopping spree - that would tire you out and you'd have no choice but to sleep right?

Anonymous said...

you poor thing! I'm crossing my fingers for you, hoping that you get a good nights sleep soon!

christine said...

shopping spree! shopping spree! shopping spree! I agree with Dee, thats gotta be the solution!

Pix said...

Must be something in the air I SO know what your talking about!!

Pix said...

whoops forgot to suggest Sleepytime tea made by Celestal's been helping me out since the time change. Love it!