Monday, March 19, 2007


I am excited to report that I had my first night of restful sleep last night. I only woke up once but otherwise, I slept like a baby! HURRAY! It had been over a week since my last full nights rest and I have to say, it was like heaven.

Thanks for eveyone's kind words and suggestions!

As for other updates, my parents, brother, aunt, Nathan and I left the island on Saturday and headed over to the big city of Vancouver. My parents had closed their restaurant for spring break and decided to take us all over to Vancouver to visit more family. It was a well deserved vacation for my parents. For those of you who know my parents, they NEVER close the restaurant for a week and go on vacation. I'm glad they finally decided to take some time for themselves and enjoy life.

Our trip to Vancouver was full of visits with family, shopping and FOOD! We didn't just have dinner and lunches, we had FEASTS! I don't think I'll be eating for days. During breaks from our feasting, we made our way to Chinatown and did some shopping. From there, we hit up Ikea and I have to say, I was a little disappointed with the Richmond Ikea. I have always gone to the Coquitlam ikea in the past and it was great. But the Richmond Ikea was a little lacking in inventory. Metrotown was our last stop in Vancouver and it was BUSY! I forgot just how busy that place was. Nathan and I headed home on Sunday and we barely made the 3 o'clock ferry. We were the last car to drive up the ramp! I guess we had the luck of the Irish on our side :o)

Well... that's our weekend in a nutshell. Thanks for reading :o)


Deedee said...

Glad you got to sleep, but sorry you were let down by IKEA.
Do you think that your better night of sleep is because you followed my advice?? SHOPPING!!!!
The cure for insomnia? Hmmm....I think I am feeling like I can't sleep...Chris wil have to watch Em so I can head to the mall.

christine said...

yeah, once you go to coquitlam ikea the richmond one is just not the same. your visit sounds like it was a blast!