Monday, November 12, 2007

1 more days of work!

Time sure flies! I can't belive I only have 1 more days of work! I already have stuff planned with my other 'on maternity' friends and plans for organizing the house (you'll read more about my house chaos below).

We set a timeline for ourselves to have the house and nursery completed by the 15th November. Steve came over Sunday night and helped us move our couches and furniture to the 'dungeon' but we don't have our TV or anything else set up yet. We were going to set up the TV and everything else Monday but as luck would have it, our hot water tank broke and needed to be replaced immediately! I'm glad Nathan was able to catch the leak before it was too late and a lake formed in our kitchen. So everything is a mess in the house and it looks like a hurricane hit it full force. Not only that but Nathan is sick and won't be able to do much until he recovers leaving the wires and electronics scattered around the house. I'm too chicken to even attempt to hook anything up incase something blows up! I will try to get some pictures of the chaos and post them.

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