Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

I know I'm due for a much more detailed post and this post is not going to be one of them. I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Our New Year's Eve was pretty relaxed. We stayed up and celebrated the new year as a family. New Year Day, we went over to the Potter's house for a very yummy dinner. The grandparents coo'd and ahh'd over Aidan. So very cute!

Christmas has come and gone and it was one of the busiest Christmas' ever. Especially toting around a newborn made this holiday season even more chaotic.

Early Christmas day we packed up and headed out to Sooke to Nathan's parents house. Presents were opened and all three of us were spoiled rotten. My parents and brother made their way out to the Potter's house for dinner. So the whole family was together for Christmas dinner. It was really nice. Aidan was asleep the whole time until dinner was served. Nathan and I had to take turns entertaining Aidan while the other finished their meal. Ahh... the life of having a baby :o) hee hee.. wouldn't trade it for the world. We finally made it home at about 7:00pm that night. It was such a long day. All I wanted to do was sleep.

I promise, pictures and a decent post will be coming soon.

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