Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Look at those cheeks!

I call this picture "sleeping Buddha" LOL! It's so true that every mom thinks their own child is the cutest! :o) He's also getting a Buddha belly too!

Look what I got in the mail today! My company had these made up and sent these to all the mom's who had babies. It was such a nice surprise!

We're all doing really well. We had our 8 week doctor's visit today. Aidan weighs 14 pounds even and 60 cm long. I have a feeling he's going to be one tall kid. I guess he gets that from Nathan seeing as I'm a little vertically challenged. It's only fitting that I got Aidan a shirt that says "Don't call me shorty" :o) This is also the "I'm bored, mom" picture.

I tell ya, it's the greatest experience and feeling to hear your baby start to coo and squeek and just recently Aidan has started to smile and not just the "gas smile" but a smile and giggle. I actually almost cried when he first smiled. It could have just been hormones but it was an undescribable, heart melting feeling.

For some reason, Aidan looks like he's had a few beers in this pic. I swear, all I've been feeding him is milk!

And my favorite pic today... this is what I call the "How YOU doin'" shot. All you Friends lovers out there know what I'm talking about. LOL!


Anonymous said...

That is very much a How YOUUU doing picture~!.. lol.
I love the drunken picture too, seem I have seen that look on your face a time or two too. mwwahahahaha. Those PRA jumpers must be a new thing, supe cute though. Nice of them to send.
See you two soon~!!

christine said...

I love the themed photos! hahaha. Aidan looks so happy and healthy and beautiful!