Monday, June 02, 2008

Sleep is over rated

As I mentioned in my previous post Aidan was sick so he needed extra TLC resulting in a few lost hours of sleep for mum. I'm feeling a little like a walking zombie but the good new, the bug has been kicked out of his system. Now we just need mum to catch up on those zzz's.

We got word from uncle Ken in Afganastan. Things are busy over there and extremely hot. It's somewhere around 45 degrees celcius!!! YOWZAA! Ken is scheduled to return from his tour in October. Can't wait to see him again.

I took the plunge and got some new glasses. While I love my current glasses, they pinch my temples so I ordered a new pair. I also got a pair of prescription sunglasses. Since the weather has been so nice, Aidan and I have been going for walks daily. I'm constantly getting blinded by the sun so I figured it would be smart to get a pair. After all Aidan has a pair of sunglasses, so should I. I don't have them yet but they should be ready next week for pick up. I can't wait. I will post pics of them.

I finally got a new watch! It's a Roots watch and I love it. The coating was chipping on the the Timex and the strap broke last week. I figured that was a sign a new watch was in order. It's white and it's named "mai tai". Mmmm mai tai's!!! The only thing is that I find myself to be very OCD about the strap and keeping it gleeming white. Still love it though.

HELP! The green towel monster ate my baby!

Nevermind! Aidan's fine. He's cheery and smiley.

Someone should tell the poor kid that's not boob he's sucking on.

I finally broke the news to him. He seemed shocked. LOL!

Thanks for looking, everyone! xoxo Aidan and mum.


Deedee said...

Super cute pics!!!
I am glad Aidan id feeling better, but I must know what makes you a "mum" as oppose to a "mom"???

Glenda-Bean said...

No difference. Just a matter of spelling :o)

Deedee said...

It sounds cooler. We should start using it and start a revolution!