Saturday, August 09, 2008

2008 Beijing Olymipics!

Wow! Is all I have to say about the olympic opening ceremony. I heard that it was going to be spectacular but I really had no idea how amazing it was going to be. I was very impressed and I'm sure many other viewer have been blown away as well. I bet it must have been even more magical seeing the performances in person than on the television. I wish I was there, although the thought of the smog and heat makes me happy that I`m home. I had several favorite moments during the opening ceremony...

...thousands of performers with the drums were awesome!

...thousand of synchronized tai chi performers!

....the fireworks!

...also the thousand of blocks being moved around by thousands of performers during the print press number was brilliant! Unfortunately I don`t have a picture of it but it was fantastic!

And it is just me or do the 2008 Beijing olympic mascots look very similar to the 2010 Vancouver mascots...

2008 Beijing mascots

2010 Vancouver mascots


Anonymous said...

Check out some "alternative" symbols of the 2008 Olympics:

christine said...

when I saw the mascots I was so confused cuz I thought they were the vancouver ones... I missed the opening ceremonies and when I did get the chance to see them I fell asleep!! I did see the drummers and how amazing they were. These olympics are different than others for me - one reason is cuz angie is there and another cuz I'm actually a bit physically active now so I can appreciate all the hard work it would take to get to the games. hahah