Thursday, January 08, 2009

First the fence and now the truck?!!

I don't know if you all remember but a few years ago we had a huge wind storm that blew over part of our fence. This year, the wind has managed to lift up our neighbours car canopy and drop it on our old shed! The shed is old and there was no damaged done BUT this afternoon, the wind has been busy again and dropped the canopy ON our truck!!! Yes people! I went out there to investigate the damage and noticed the large pole that was suppose to be embedded in the ground actually landed on my windsheid then moved its way down the hood. So now there is a large dent on the hood! The weather hasn't been very cooperative this year. First canceling Aidan's birthday party and now damaging my vehicle. So now Nathan left work early and is tying down the canopy so it won't be able to blow away again and potentially landing on our house!

You can see the dent on the hood in this pic

On a lighter note, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had a fantastic new year. We ended up just staying in and having a quiet night. Aidan went to bed at his usual time and us parents stayed up to welcome in the new year.

Christmas was very busy! We woke up early and heading out to Sooke to celebrate Christmas with Nana, Grandad and uncle Adrian. The 6 of us enjoyed opening our stockings and presents. We all got spoiled. Espeically Aidan!!! While Aidan had his nap, an early dinner was being made in the kitchen. Later that night we went over to Yee-ma's house where Auntie Hayley, Ange and Greg were there to greet us! Two dinners in one day! That's what I call a great Christmas!!! :o)

Aidan sitting by our Christmas tree at home.

Opening stockings at Nana and Grand-dad's house

Playing with his 'poppy toy'

Nathan with his favorite toy this year - PS 3!!! Woooo hoooo!

After a long Christmas day...

A very happy 1 year old!!!

Aidan sporting his new out while eating a cookie :o)

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