Monday, February 16, 2009

Life update

Life has been a little hectic around here the past few weeks but we're back to our normal routine now. Kind of feels good :o)

Aidan started his swim classes in January and LOVES it! I think he's growing gills and fins as we speak :o) He loves splashing and babbling to all the other children in the pool. It's actually pretty funny to watch. Nathan takes him into the pool while I sit on the side lines and watch. Eventually I would like to get into the pool with Aidan but I'm still a little self conscience of my baby weight.

I've been a little addicted to Etsy lately. Oh dear! What a dangerous place. I've spent a pretty penny there and I need to be stopped!!! I just can't help myself. It's all so pretty!!!

My Janamade Valentine's day gift from Nathan. So cute!

Presents to myself from Lisa's Lovlies. Very pretty!

A adorable little pouch to keep all the small and stray items in which would otherwise be lost in my diaper bag. Got this one from Kitty Empire3 If you know me at all, I LOVE cherry blossoms so this was screaming for me to buy. Alot of things seem to be screaming for me to buy lately. Haa haa!

My dad's leg surgery went really well. He was suppose to be in the hospital 5 days after his surgery but after 2 days, he was discharged which was a great sign. I call him the biotic man cause he has gortex in his body now. Tee hee!

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