Tuesday, March 03, 2009

My big fat 30th birthday!!!

What was suppose to be a birthDAY turned into a birthWEEKEND which was fantastic for me. It all started on Friday night where Dee threw her "Slashee" party. The festivities started earlier in the night and people came over to watch the Canucks game. Nathan and I arrived late as I had to put Aidan to bed before heading over. My mom was kind enough to stay the night at our house. It was the very first night Nathan and I went out on the town together since Aidan joined our family so it's been a long time. We brought over an awesome ice cream cake from Ben and Jerry's. YES! Ben and Jerry's makes ice cream cake and it was a hit! It had brownie crumbs on the bottom, a layer of fudge/ brownie ice cream, then a layer of cookie dough ice cream. My hubby picked out the cake and he did a amazing job since he knows me so well.

And besides the cake, there were drinks, flowers (from Steve) and pizza. I received a lot of birthday wishes even though it wasn't my birthday yet. Everyone had a good time!

Saturday was a chilled day. I didn't feel terrible from the night before but I also wasn't bursting with energy either. I got to spend a relaxing time with Aidan and Nathan.

Sunday was my actual birthday and I had planned a Japanese buffet luncheon with my close friends. Unfortunately Aidan fell asleep before the lunch so Nathan stayed home with him while I went to lunch on my own. It was great to see everyone and I'm so grateful everyone could make it out and share this day with me. We went to Kuma Sushi located on Bear Mountain. Every Sunday they serve an all-you-eat buffet there and the food was amazing! So good! I can't wait to go back!


Christine and I. She was able to make it to the island! Yeah!

Leah and I. Josh was there too but I don't know why he's not in here.

Dee and myself

Cindy and I

Dan and I

Steve, Chris, Emma and myself

Just so you know, all the close up pictures above where taken by me by just extending my arm and clicking. Shauna taught me this picture taking technique and I'm so grateful! She always takes amazing close up pics and I begged her to tell me her picture taking secret. Thanks Shauna!

We took Aidan to the park earlier that morning and perhaps this is what tired him out before the lunch... hmmm... Here's my 2 favorite guys on the slide

Even though Aidan started walking not too long ago, he sure picks up speed now. I was barely able to catch him in this frame!

That's all I have for now.

*NOTE* Glenda's annual crazy purse giveaway in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned! :o)


Deedee said...

Glad you had a fun birthday weekend!!

Anonymous said...

You will have to text me when purses are posted. If i am at work i wont get to see them right away... then again maybe i will just leave your bloge open all day


Anonymous said...


.......JUST CHECKING IN..........

......WAITING QUIETLY..........

Glenda-Bean said...

Holy impatient! :oP