Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

We had planned to take Aidan to the annual Easter Egg Hunt at St. Anne's Acedamy Sunday but it was pouring down with rain that morning so we missed it. But, luckily the Easter bunny made his way to our house this weekend so not all was lost. Our front lawn was riddled with eggs. And the E-bunny didn't forget about Daddy. A little scavenger hunt was awaiting him in the afternoon. We also went over to Nana and Grand-dad's house for Easter dinner and it was yummy. Turkeeey! Stuffing! And of course Yorkies!

I know! Bunny ears are very becoming on me :o)

But I think they look better on Aidan

Aidan getting into the Easter egg hunt. I think he had fun searching for eggs. At first he would find the egg and stand over it waiting for Daddy to come over. It was pretty darn cute. But towards the end he loved searching for the eggs and putting them in his basket. FYI- half the plastic eggs were filled with dairy-free cookies.

He decided to sit down and investigate his findings.

After searching for eggs, he discovered puddles. Little boys will be little boys and he seemed to really like puddles. Aidan splashed and turned around in the puddle for quite some time.

... and then he fell on his bum.

And I just really liked this picture :o) My little man is getting so big. Where has the time gone?!


Rie said...

Your little boy is just so freaking cute!!

Eleana said...

SO funny. I like the picture of him sitting in the puddle :o)