Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm going to CHINA!!!

I'll be going to the homeland in less than a month!!! YEE HOOO!!! I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I'll be gone for 2 weeks and traveling with my parents and Ken. My parents have always talked about taking us back to where they were born and raised so Ken and I could see our roots and it's finally coming true! We'll also be visiting the major attractions in China such as the Great Wall and the terra cotta soldiers and etc. Going to China has been on my bucket list since FOREVER and I can't believe I get to cross it off my list this year. Nathan is taking a week from work and spending it with Aidan for the first week I am away and Nathan's parents will be watching Aidan for the following week.


1 comment:

tiarastantrums said...

I LOVE and ADORE Beijing! Do and SEE as much as you can - two week sis really just not enough time - get everything in that you can!!