Sunday, July 19, 2009


My very first broken bone in my whole 30 years of my life happened last Tuesday. I broke my foot!

I was walking in our backroom in a hurry and fell down the stairs, landed on the side of my foot and heard a *CRUNCH*!!! I immediately knew that this would probably need more than just ice and rest. I waited a few hours hoping the swelling would go down and the pain would subside but it didn't so off to the clinic I went. Luckily my mom was visiting so she watched Aidan while I hobbled to the clinic.

After a visit with the doctor and an x-ray it was confirmed I had factured my foot and needed an aircast. *Sigh*. I'm thankful that my injury happed AFTER Hawaii and China but still pretty cheezed that it happened at all. It's such a silly thing for me to do! BAH!

Here I am with my new accessory for the next 6 weeks. Hmmm... I wonder I can find a purse that would go with it. Haa haa!

... hey, what else is there to do when I'm suppose to nurse an injured foot? :o)

My sweetie bean sleeping in on a Sunday morning. Little did he know he was going to be awaken for his swim lessons. Poor little guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sucks about your foot but your baby bean is so cute with the sleepy butt in the air.