Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was BUSY but fabulous!

Our tree and presents this year.

As per Potter tradition we spent the morning/ afternoon portion of our Christmas over at Nana and Grandad's house. We opened our stockings and presents. Aidan had so much fun opening presents. Nana had so many non-dairy and dairy snacks laid out and Aidan sure took advantage of the spread. We indulged in so much food. While Aidan had a nap upstairs the adults ate and drank some more. Good times. We had an early Christmas dinner at Nana and Grandad's and we quickly had to pack up our stuff and head over to Yee-ma's for our 2nd Christmas dinner.

I'm thinking very intensely about something here. Probably something along the lines of "I'm so full. Please no photos"

During our feast at the Potter's.

We arrived at Yee-ma's close to 7pm and stuffed our faces some more. Just couldn't say no to all the yummy food! Ange introduced us to Nespresso. It's this special machine that takes these freshly sealed coffee grinds and you put the capsule in the machine and it makes fresh espresso shots. The coffee was so fresh it was like the sweet nectar from the coffee Gods. Nathan is so addicted to it now.

The various different flavoured capsules to choose from.

The glorious machine.

Ange pouring the milk in with the espresso.

Nathan about to enjoy his amazing, fresh cup of java. Check out the foam. That takes experience to get a stiff foam like that :o)


Deedee said...

You look so pretty in that pic! Love your hair.

Glenda-Bean said...

Aww! Thanks Dee! xoxo

Ange said...

I've been enjoying eggnog lattes. Mom even like the coffee I made her! Hugs, Ange