Monday, May 10, 2010

A Working Mommy

Yes! That is me. It's been a long time coming but I finally found myself a job. I have to admit that it was a little tough leaving Aidan. I've been with him almost 24 hours a day for the past 2.5 years so it was a little heartbreaking leaving him. I know I have to let go sooner or later. I think the hardest thing is that I only get a few hours a day with him now. I get home, have dinner and soon after it's Aidan's bed time and that's it. I'm also taking a course 2 nights a week so some days I don't even see my little munchkin. He's seems to be adjusting just fine so that's good. And I'm usually out the door in the morning before A gets up. I guess this is just life. I'll get used to.

Being back at work and having adult conversations and contact has been pretty good. I know this is good for me. So far so good. I got a job back at the company I was with before I went on maternity leave. They had an opening in another department so I applied. Not only have I returned to my former company but they also set me back up at my OLD desk. In an eerie, creepy way, feels like I never left.

As for Aidan, he spends half the week with Nana & Grandad and the other half of the week with Po-po & Gung-gung. We currently are on the waitlist for a couple of daycares. While I'm sure both set of grandparents love taking care of him, I'm sure Aidan would have some fun hanging with kids his own age too. He'll only be in daycare a couple days of week anyway so the grandparents will still have Aidan time. Cross your fingers we'll get a phone call from some daycares soon.

Sorry. No pictures this post. But I am going to have a blog sale soon. I have some purses/ bags I need to get rid of. I usually have my "Purse Give-away" but due to the current economic times, I need $ :o) Check back soon if you're interested!

1 comment:

christine said...

wow! so much to catch up with you about! congrats on the job, though I can only imagine how hard it is to leave the little one behind in the mornings. xo