Sunday, November 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Rie!

It's that time of year again, Rie! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your birthday is fill with lots of love, joy and lots of presents! - hee hee.

You and I have been through a lot together and we will continue to be there for each other until the end of time. Who would have thought that your 1 year trip to Denmark would result in you living there! Life takes us all sorts of different directions and I wish you all the best whether you are in Denmark, Canada, the Artic or wherever you chose to be. And whatever you do and where ever you are, be happy!

Back in 2002, Rie came to Canada for a visit and her and I did some 'kung fu fighting' at the Lagoon. I think I kicked your ass, didn't I? - HAA HAA!

Rie and I at my parents restaurant during one of her Canadian visits

Rie and her papa, Jens. Love this picture! So cute!!!

Rie and her mama, Aja. A definite family resemblance!

As you all know, Rie was my MOH for our wedding and here she is looking beautiful as always!

Happy birthday! Enjoy your day and be treated like a queen!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Glenda!

I'm so glad that even though my one year trip to DK turned into a more permanent move, I can still always count on you being there for me!

I miss you guys so much and I hope all is well over there. Thank you for the birthday post - we're getting old, eh? Closer to 30 than we are to 20...

I hope to talk to you soon!

Love you!