Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Let it snow, let it snow, LET IT SNOW!

Apparently we have another snow storm tomorrow and I can't wait. I love the snow, as long as I'm home for it and not traveling in another city.

Nathan and I went over to Vancouver to see Body World's 3 on Saturday and I must say, it was CREEPY as hell! As you all probably know, this exhibit is of deceased human corpses with their skins peeled off. The organs and muscles have been through the process of plastination ... but it was definitely interesting to see how the body looks like depending on the choices one chooses. IE: smoking. I think the most disturbing display had to be the skined man holding up his own skin...

So after experiencing the exhibit, we left Science World to see SNOW! And there was lots of it! We quickly went and grabbed a bite to eat and proceeded to my cousin, Eleana's house for shelter. The next morning we woke up to, you guessed it, MORE SNOW! We got scared and quickly packed our things, ran a few errands and picked up my aunt (who just returned from China) and head back to the island. I wish I had brought my camera and taken a few pictures of the driving conditions on Sunday. it was NUTS! The snow was not letting up. We finally arrived a the Tsawwassen ferry terminal at 3:45, 1.25 hours before our scheduled 5 o'clock sailing and there was already a 2 sailing wait. We were so glad we made reservations!!! Since we had 1.25 hours to spare, we (Nathan, my aunt and myself) decided to venture over to the big plaza at the terminal. Well... I was not prepared for the weather and my shoes and feet were soaked from the slush. So, I borrowed a pair of socks from my aunt and Nathan's giant sneakers and paraded around the ferry with big giant shoes. Oh well.. they were warm and dry! :o) It may have taken a total of 5 hours, but we made it home alive!

Monday turned out to be snow day for us! Our office was CLOSED!!! HURRAY! What a glorious day! As Nathan would say "everything is coming up Nathan!". We took our tire inner tubes and sled out to the hills!

Our power line to the house just covered in snow.

Nathan 'carefully' clearing the snow from our power line before it snaps.

It must be cold! Look at the killer icicle hanging off our roof.

A shot of the driving conditions on our way home from work today.

Like I said earlier, we are expecting more snow . Cross your fingers for another snow day! :o) Well guys and dolls, that's it for now.

1 comment:

christine said...

wow, what an adventure for you in vancouver! i'm glad that you made it home safe and what an awesome surprise to have a snow day on monday - lucky! alls we get in vancouver is a transit system that is crap!
about the body worlds, i totally agree about the man holding his own skin, but the one that got me was the "slice" of the 300lb man. ever since then i've been going to the gym three times a week- no kiddin! eeeek!
love the snow photos!can't wait to see you soon.