Thursday, March 01, 2007

Happy Birthday ME!

So today is the day where I turn the big 28!!!
Thanks to everyone for their birthday well wishes and blog posts! They were all very sweet and thoughtful! THANK YOU!!!

My day started out pretty good! I woke up and was presented with my birthday present and a sweet "to my darling wife card". Nathan and his parents chipped in and got me a red 8G iPod NANO!!! YEAH!! It's exactly what I wanted!!!

And to go with my iPod, I got a iPod Cake!!! It's the coolest cake I've ever seen!!! Nathan cutom designed it and had it made! What a sweet guy!

Check out the icing on this cake!

I then looked outside and there was snow on the ground! It had snowed on my birthday! All the years of wishing it would snow on my birthday worked!!! There wasn't alot of snow but that's fair enough seeing as I never specified how much snow I wanted :o) And before you ask, our fence is still not 100% fixed yet. BUT 2 panels fell down and we fixed one of them last weekend. Only one more to go!!! :o)

When I got to work today, there was another surprise awaiting my arrival. My cubicle was covered in balloons and banners! It was hilarious!!! My co-worker friend, Cindy, came in after work hours and decorated my cube from front to back and side to side! There was even a balloon arch way too but unfortunately the helium gave out during the night. It it was still awesome!!! Note the 'pin the tail on the donkey'!! LOL!!!

For lunch, a few co-workers took me out for lunch at Japanese Village on Broughton St. It was so cool! They cooked our food right infront of us! Just like in on TV. I never knew we had a place like this in Victoria! Who knew!!! I guess everyone but me haa haa! After we got back to the office, there was cake! I was so spoiled!!! I can't believe it!

The rest of the night was pretty relaxed. Nathan suprised me with flowers and took me out to a local smoked ribs joint and it was pretty good!

Oh! An other pressie from my mom and pop. I've had my eye on this purse for such a long time and finally I have it! YEAH! I decree this to be my 'birthday purse'!!! It's Matt and Nat bag. 100% vegan and it's shaped to fit perfectly on your shoulder and side. LOVE IT!

Alright! Thanks for looking everyone! Thanks again to you all for all your kind words and happy birthday vibes! I felt them all!! hee hee!!!


Deedee said...

Hey Babe! I'm so glad you had such a great day! Your Nano rocks, and when you add the cake, the purse, and the office decorations it all looks like good times. I may have to stop by your house to get a piece of cake later ;)

Pix said...

OMG I LOVE the cake....what a sweet guy that Nathan is.