Saturday, December 22, 2007

And there were THREE!

Hi All!

Yes! Mother, father and baby are home safe and sound FINALLY!

Thanks to everyone who came and visit us in the hospital and everyone's support and well wishes! You are all too kind! I'm sure that you all are wondering how labour progressed and how it all happened. Here is our story.

Thursday: I started having contractions at 3:30am - I didn't think too much of it. I thought I was just having cramps. The cramps progressed through out the night. I ended up calling my doctor and he instructed me to go to my non-stress test at the hospital that morning anyway. So I did. After having the test done and speaking with the OBY/GYN at the hospital, they admitted me. Nathan arrived shortly and was such a trooper and was so supportive the entire time. Unfortunately, Nathan was not able to stay the night so I had to suffer through the contractions through the night by myself :o(

Friday: Nathan was back bright and early Friday morning and again, I was still getting contractions and they were coming on closer together and stronger but not close enough and I was not dialating so it was decided to break my water. Once my water broke, the contractions were even stronger but still not dialating. At this point, I needed drugs!!! I was in so much pain! But I couldn't get any drugs until I could be move to the "labour and delivery" room but it was crazy busy and no rooms were available. It wasn't until 4:00pm that day till I was moved to the labour and delivery room. And from there, it was smooth sailing. My doctor arrived shortly after my room move and immediately ordered an epideral for me and I can't tell you how great that felt! It was heaven! As the night progress, my body was still not progressing in labour. It was then decided that I would be given Oxytocin to help induce labour. Stil, nothing was really happening and since my contractions starting on Thursday, I was only 5 cm dilated so a decision was made for a c-section.

Saturday: 3:10am our lovely son, Aidan Benjamin Potter was born and I can't tell you how relieved and excited to finally see him! He has 10 fingers and toes. He came out a little bruised as he is a big baby and the doctors had issues getting him out.

Little Aidan and I were in the hospital until Wednesday night. Daddy Nathan was able to spend the night in our hospital room as long as there wasn't another patients admitted in the same room as us.

Here are some pictures of our wonderful experience.

Aidan getting foot printed right after his birth

Mommy with Aidan in the recovery room right after the surgery. I'm not looking my best.

Proud daddy with Aidan

Baby Adian on his birthday December 15th, 2007. Happy birthday Aidan! We love you!


Rie said...
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Rie said...

I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this post to come and now I'm all teary-eyed. Damn those girly emotions...

Aidan is beautiful! You guys made a handsome baby and I can't wait to see more pictures. And I hope to talk to you soon - I miss you!

Thanks for the Christmas card - I can't believe you thought of sending cards on top of all this... talk about a super women!

Deedee said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Glenda!
He is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...


Aidan is georgous, I hope you had a wonderful 1st Christmas together.

xox Vict

christine said...

what a beautiful baby Glenda! I'm so impressed with you and your super human strength and patience to make it through the labour without seriously harming someone.

Thank you as well for the Christmas card, I bow down to you and your organizational skills.

christine said...

I need more photos!

Anonymous said...

my god he is sooooo cute!!! i think u should get this baby to start working asap! your own lil sweat shop, ok not literally working lil sewing machines or anything, but like modelling, baby gap? i could see it now...the next englasian supermodel. sooo adorable!
