Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone!

Aidan wishes you all a happy Easter too!

We had a good Easter. The Easter bunny came to visit our house and there was a scavanger hunt. Here's Nathan and Aidan on their scavanger hunt.

And this is what Aidan thought of the scavanger hunt. Ha Ha!

We went over to the Potter's house for dinner and it was yummy. I don't know if I told you all but Aidan has eczema and it's due to a dairy allergy therefore since I am nursing I can't have anything with dairy fearing the milk protein could pass through to Aidan. Now that I'm actively avoiding milk, there's just SO much stuff with milk in it that I never would have cared before. I think the thing I miss the most is chocolate! Yummmmm! So this Easter was a little killer as there was so much chocolate given to me but I wasn't allowed to eat it :o( BUT the good news is that I'm allowed to eat the chocolate that consists of 70% or more cocoa. Sure it's a little bitter but I've been told it's healthier for you anyway. Although after reading the ingrediants carefully it says "this may contain traces of milk" - *sigh* Oh well! If anyone finds any chocolate made from soy milk, let me know! :o)

My parent came down to visit this weekend as well. We're seeing more and more of them since Aidan has been born. Which is good cause I like seeing my parents. Their reason is because they are afraid that Aidan is going to forget who they are if they don't come to see him on a regular basis.

That's all for now!


Rie said...

shitty deal with the no dairy thing. Is that a permanent allergy for Aidan or a baby thing?

Just to let you know, the picture of Aidan on your sidebar is the CUTEST picture - he has the most beautiful eyes!!

Glenda-Bean said...

Apparently it's just a baby thing with the allergy. It should resolve itself once Aidan is older.

Anonymous said...

Hey G,
i love the pictures.. they are so cute and nathan looks good in the ears. hahahaha. Glad to see you are finally open to dark chocolate. been tellin ya for years it is the only way to go.
you can get good quality vegan dark choc. then you know there is no milk in it.

Wanna go for lunch on thursday? i am craving the beef noodle soup from across the street.

Deedee said...

Here's where I throw in my 2 cents.....

Everyone should actually avoid cow's milk as much as possible - the human body actually isn't made to process it at all. Soy milk really isn't any better, because most manufacturers of soy milk and soy products use tons of pesticides and such. Also, too much soy has been show to produce behavior problems - especially in men and children.
Best to stick to Rice milk or Almond milk - organic too.

There is super yummy vegan chocolate at lifestyles market, though sometimes you can get it at Thrifty's too.

Aidan looks cuter in the ears than Nathan does :P

Anonymous said...

"Also, too much soy has been show to produce behavior problems - especially in men"

I think they have the behavioral problems no matter what type of milk/soy/rice etc beverage they choose.

mwwahahahahaa... but now that is just my smart ass 5 cents worth ;)