Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Well... I did it! I signed up for "Mommy & Me" fitness and Monday was my first day. Phew! I am so out of shape! I was so sore after afterwards, I had to get Nathan to change Aidan's diaper for the rest of the day! I know, I know! I'm a giant wuss and it's my blog and I'm allowed complain :op hee hee!

It's coming up to Aidan's 3 month birthday. What an incredible milestone! Three whole onths being on this planet! It still boggles my mind that this little creature was once in my tummy. Aidan is growing like a weed and it's mostly noticable in length. I can already tell he's going to be as tall as his daddy.

As some of you know Nathan was in the US for work for a week and my mom came and spent a week with Aidan and I. Having Po Po (grandma in Chinese) here was great! I got fed great traditional Chinese meals every day. Yummm I missed her cooking so much.

I would also like to give a shout out for the writers strike being over! Does anyone know when the new episode of HEROES is going to be on?

Aidan with his buddy Winnie the Pooh

Aidan during oue tummy time


Deedee said...

I hate to break it to you, but Heroes won't be back until the fall.
Sorry :(

christine said...

k, your kid is pretty damn cute!!! I wanna come over again soon for some christine and glenda and aiden time again!