Monday, January 26, 2009

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!! We don't have any plans for today but we're having a family dinner tomorrow night to ring in the new year. My parents, Ken, yee-ma and the in-laws will gather tomorrow to ring in the new year. There will be lots of food and good company!

This is the only picture I could get him to keep his hat on long enough for me to snap a pic

Yes, that is a cookie in his hand. Bribery is what gets him to stay still enough for me to take pictures. I'm not too proud to admit it :oP

I should make a shout out to Po-po and Gung-gung for providing this Chinese outfit for Aidan. Thank you!!!

I just saw the date on my last post... WOW! I'm a bad blogger :o( Sorry y'all. Things have been a little busy here but it should all slow down next week. My dad is going in for surgery on his leg this week. It's an INSANE surgery! There is a blockage in his leg so what they are doing is taking a small chunk from his artery and replacing it with gortex!!! I couldn't believe it when I heard. But it all should be good. He'll be able to walk more than a block painfree after the surgery.

We've been busy planning our trip to Hawaii in the spring. Yup! The Potter's will traveling so WATCH OUT HAWAII! We'll be flying to Hawaii and staying on Oahu for 5 days before we meet up with my parents and Ken on the Royal Carribean cruise ship and cruise back to Vancouver. It's going to be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I am a little concerned about how the flight over to Hawaii is going to go. We'll be in the air during Aidan's bedtime and I'm wondering how he is going to do without his bed and his bedtime routine. Suggestions on traveling with a toddler anyone?

So Aidan is over 13 months old now and I still can't believe where the time has gone. He makes every day of my life interesting and nothing is more contagious than his laughter. Every day is a discovery for both him and I. Lately, he has developed throwing tantrums. I didn't think this started until later. It was pretty amusing the first couple of times he threw his tantrums and I couldn't help but laugh. It goes something like this...

Aidan playing with something he shouldn't be playing with like dirt in our flower pot.
Me: "No sweetie. We don't take dirt from the flower pot and throw it on the floor."
Aidan proceeds to throw himself on the ground and screaming and pounding fists on the floor.
30 seconds later: The little turtle stuffy has got his attention from across the room and off he goes.

That is my day in a nutshell.

1 comment:

Eleana said...

Gung Hay Fat Choy to you too! Aidan is so adorable in his outfit, thanks for sending the pics :o)