Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Almost CHINA time

I can't begin to tell you how excited AND nervous I am. I don't even know if 'nervous' is the right word to use. This is the first time I will be away from Aidan for longer than one day and I'm getting this odd empty feeling and I haven't even left yet!!! Eeeeek! Like I mentioned before, I plan to have daily webcam sessions with Aidan and Nathan so I hope it won't be that bad.

I am getting excited about China. I am excited about going to see the typical tourist attractions but I am really excited to see the villages and houses where my parents grew up. I'm sure it's going to be really interesting. Ken and I finally get to see the route my dad walked to and from school. All these years he has told us he walked 10 miles in nothing but thin soled sandals carrying 30 pounds worth of school books ;o) Also, I get to finally get to meet my mom's eldest brother whom I have never met in my life. And I'm sure my mom is super excited to see him again as she hasn't seen him since she moved to Canada over 30 years ago! This is going to be a great trip!

For those of you who miss me and want to know how much longer until I return to Canada :o)

We've been taking advantage of the sunshine and the hot weather lately. I've set up a little toddler pool on our lawn and Aidan has been having a blast splashing and playing and running around. Especially during the heat wave we had here in Victoria. I think we were up to 31 celcius. I have to admit that I like it much better when it's cooler like a 22-23.

Boys will be boys and they LOVE dirt. Aidan is no exception. Constant dirt on his butt. Hee hee!

Aidan practicing his "Super Aidan" flying. Gotta find him a Super "A" cape.

Aidan practicing more of his super hero flying

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG I LOOOVE the dirty bum picture~!!!!! that has to be the best ever. lol lol lol

also thanks for the count down, you know it would drive me nuts not remembering when you are getting home.