Thursday, July 02, 2009

China blocked me

I'm not tired yet and I thought I would post about my net surfing experience in China. I was able to access my facebook with no problems but I was not able to post on my blog or view anyone elses blog while in China. I don't know if all the hotels had blocked these sites or if the Chinese government had blocked these sites. Either way I just managed to catch up on my blogging since returning to Canada.

I have to admit that now that I have returned home and had time to catch up on my rest and cuddled the stuffing out of my child, I kind of miss the go-go-go of travel. Our trip to China was pretty intense with only 2 nights stay in one city at most. I DO NOT miss the flying though. There was also ALOT of flying. We had to fly from Shanghai to Beijing then Beijing to Xi'an then Xi'an to Guangzhou. I am definately done flying for awhile.

It's hard to which area was my favorite. Every area had their charm and character. Beijing had history and shopping. We got to see the Great Wall, Forbidden Palace, Summer Palace and Tiananmen square. There was so much history and stories here. For shopping, The Pearl Market was the one stop shopping. Everything you could ever want there. But I have to say that Hong Kong was my favorite and I would definitely go back again. We were FINALLY able to communicate with people either speaking English or Cantonese. Plus I was able to read all the signs because they had both Chinese and English writing. Best of all ALL the restaurants and stores had WESTERN toilets!!! The hole in the grounds in mainland China just weren't doing it for me :oP

Here I am at The Ladies Market in HK. As you can tell by the picture, I was REALLY happy and excited to be here :o)


Eleana said...

I didn't realize you couldn't read other blogs in China, I wonder how they choose what to block. That grin of yours in the market is super, I'm glad you had fun :o)

christine said...

what exactly is the ladies' market???