Tuesday, December 09, 2008

And Da-da is the word!

It's been awhile since I have posted but we've been busy little bee's over here. Since getting home from Vancouver, Aidan has graduated from an 'army' crawl (crawling using his elbows with his tummy on the ground) to a full out hands and knees crawl. He's a fast little monkey too. Before you know it, he rockets himself across the room with a blink of an eye! He's been pulling himself up onto furniture for awhile. Now I'm just waiting for the day he starts cruising. *Sigh* They grow up so fast :o)

Aside from the crawling he has also saying da-da. He started babbling ma-ma at 3 months and I was so sure that ma-ma was going to be his first word but it seems da-da is his first word. Alot of mom's tell me to not be surprised with your little one says da-da first but I can't help but think that Nathan some how brain washed Aidan in some kind of way. LOL! Regardless, I still think it's super cute when Aidan hears the jingle of keys in the door lock, he scream DA-DA! So very cute!

My little monkey is turning 1 in a week and I am in complete shock! I can't believe it's been a year already!!! This year we are planning a Chinese style banquet style lunch with 11 dishes for Aidan's birthday. Pictures will definitely be taken.

Christmas is just around the corner and my Christmas shopping list is almost complete. I just have the in-laws to buy for and I'm done!!! Hurray!

That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates! :o)

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